Insurance packages created to cover your needs

My security

With small monthly investments, you will provide yourself the insured sum in case of temporary prevention due to fracture of the bones and rehabilitation, all with the unique possibility of constant communication and advice by a doctor.

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My support

Life can change in a moment. Suddenly, a family can lose both a loved one and the financial support at the same time. My support helps your family, at its worst possible moment, feel safe and relieve financial concerns.

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My savings

The best way to secure your future, while protecting your family at the same time. My savings is more than insurance, because it also represents certain savings.

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Frequently asked questions

Who is the insurer?

The insurer is a company that deals with insurance, i.e. that assumes the obligation to pay the sum insured in case the insured event (risk) occurs and that for a certain price (premium).

Who is the insurance contractor?

The insurance contractor is a person who concludes an insurance contract, for his own benefit or for the benefit of another person. The insurance contractor is a person who is obliged to pay the premium and all the rights and obligations of a life insurance contract belong to him.

Who is the insured?

The insured is a person whose life is insured - the person who is insured against a certain risk defined by the contract.

Who is the beneficiary?

The beneficiary is a person who, in case of the insured event occurrence, is entitled to the insurance indemnity.

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    Potvrđujem da ovim putem ne zaključujem Ugovor o osiguranju i da podatke svojevoljno dostavljam isključivo u svrhu mogućeg pribavljanja informativne i neobavezujuće ponude za zaključenje ugovora o osiguranju i to prema podacima koje dostavim Societe Generale Osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Osiguranje). U slučaju da popunjeni podaci nisu istiniti, odnosno da iz drugih razloga ili na osnovu volje Osiguravača nije moguće zaključiti ugovor o osiguranju prema ovoj ponudi, Osiguravač neće snositi odgovornost.

    Svi podaci koje korisnik Aplikacije dostavi Osiguranju radi izrade informativne ponude su dostavljeni na osnovu njegove slobodne volje, a pristanak da Osiguranje obrađuje te podatke je dat konkludentnom radnjom*, odnosno, samim činom dostavljanja podataka od strane korisnika Aplikacije čime je data saglasnost Osiguranju da iste obradi u svrhu dostavljanja informative ponude osiguranja.

    Osiguranje će prilikom obrade podataka postupati u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti.

    *Konkludentna radnja je radnja, odnosno odgovarajuće postupanje, kojim je jasno, nedvosmisleno i sa sigurnošću iskazan pristanak lica povodom određenog posla. U konkretnom slučaju popunjavanjem ličnih podataka korisnik Aplikacije nesumnjivo daje saglasnost da Osiguranje te podatke koristi, jer u surotnom neće popuniti podatke i dostaviti ih Osiguranju putem Aplikacije.