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OTP Osiguranje in Serbia

End of Septembar 2019, OTP Group has successfully completed the acquisition process of the insurance company Societe Generale osiguranje. Change in the ownership structure was followed by the change of business name into OTP Osiguranje ADO Beograd, further referred as OTP Insurance.

OTP Osiguranje in Serbia

What this change means for our clients?

Everything remains the same – there is no need to take any action. All policies and additional documents created before the change into OTP Insurance are valid until the expiry date no matter the old name and logo of the Insurer. Mutual rights and obligations arising from the contracutal relationship between the client and the Insurer remain in force. In case you own My prevention insurance card, you can use it until the expiry date stated on the card.

We are dedicated to the efficient communication with our clients and you can contact us in case you have any questions. You can also see answers to FAQ.

About the Insurer

Company was created in 2009 and at the end of 2018 had 87.000 active contracts, 159.000 acitve clients and 2,6 billion of RSD total amount of technical reserves. OTP Insurance, as part of its integrated bank insurance model, provides clients with life insurance services through OTP banka Srbija.

OTP Group offers universal, high-quality financial services to almost 18,5 million customers in eleven countries through its network of roughly 1.400 branches, ATM network and cutting-edge electronic channels. OTP Bank Plc. (parent bank of OTP Group) is the largest financial service provider in Hungary and a dominant regional player in the Central and Eastern European market as well.

A young married couple at OTP Insurance is looking into a contract

Future of OTP Insurance in Serbia

In the next period focus of the Insurer will be on maintaining and further improving quality of services, products and linked processes, as well as the developpment of cooperation with strategic partner OTP banka Srbija.

Goal of the OTP Insurance is responding to clients’ needs with help of innovative solutions in the domain of life insurance, now with strong support of the OTP Group.

If you have any sugestions or proposals, feel free to contact us. Together with our clients, we want to improve life insurance services and continue with further development.


Potvrđujem da ovim putem ne zaključujem Ugovor o osiguranju i da podatke svojevoljno dostavljam isključivo u svrhu mogućeg pribavljanja informativne i neobavezujuće ponude za zaključenje ugovora o osiguranju i to prema podacima koje dostavim Societe Generale Osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd (u daljem tekstu: Osiguranje). U slučaju da popunjeni podaci nisu istiniti, odnosno da iz drugih razloga ili na osnovu volje Osiguravača nije moguće zaključiti ugovor o osiguranju prema ovoj ponudi, Osiguravač neće snositi odgovornost.

Svi podaci koje korisnik Aplikacije dostavi Osiguranju radi izrade informativne ponude su dostavljeni na osnovu njegove slobodne volje, a pristanak da Osiguranje obrađuje te podatke je dat konkludentnom radnjom*, odnosno, samim činom dostavljanja podataka od strane korisnika Aplikacije čime je data saglasnost Osiguranju da iste obradi u svrhu dostavljanja informative ponude osiguranja.

Osiguranje će prilikom obrade podataka postupati u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti.

*Konkludentna radnja je radnja, odnosno odgovarajuće postupanje, kojim je jasno, nedvosmisleno i sa sigurnošću iskazan pristanak lica povodom određenog posla. U konkretnom slučaju popunjavanjem ličnih podataka korisnik Aplikacije nesumnjivo daje saglasnost da Osiguranje te podatke koristi, jer u surotnom neće popuniti podatke i dostaviti ih Osiguranju putem Aplikacije.